Do I need to prepare my soil?

Yes, my answer to everyone and every time from a professional standpoint is yes. Rarely do we come across situations where the soil is perfectly suitable for most plants due to the fact that most plants are not natives.if soil is suitable the given soil are is usually covered with weeds or per over growth from other plants this will affect soil conditions..The fact that its fertile soil, but how often do people realize leaving. The roots can cause dire issues down the road. Timeless issue, homeowner clears the area with rake shovel and pickax just to see the foliage return or rather they get the area cleaned up and forget that all the factors involving a healthy plant to be inside the soil and not on top of it.

If we are planting a new plant and have removed the waste and weeds from above. We still have to rototill and break up the soil to at least let oxygen into the area and help with rooting and absorption of nutrients and water. Breaking up the soil is a great way to help the new plants is by adding a topsoil compost mix. Topsoil compost mixtures are easy choices because the compost amount will be safe. General planting and will not burn your lawn as manure would. This works well with all smaller plants. Topsoil is usually a vitamin-rich mixture of reek side bank soil along with compost. Many variations of soil are created in today’s gardening. Ask your local professional at the local nursery recommends for your application.